
suelee |
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random thoughts.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

As I'm writing this sentence, my flatmate is vaccuming the place outside my room. Nope, there's nothing wrong. It's his duty for flat inspection tomorrow. BUT! It's 1.30AM in the morning dammit! I know I don't sleep this early, he knows the flat don't sleep this early, but still it's kinda irritating at this time of the day/night(?!) -_- Not to mention those who are staying above us.

Yes I know I were studying outside just now, he could have just asked if he wants to do his duty right? Grrah. Oh well, I think I'm just feeling irritable. exams stress exams stress. And.. The flat this semester is not that enjoyable. Well, it still is, but recent issues make it conflicts-ridden. I felt like I'm caught between both sides of war. In the past, there was no company, but there was peace. Now, there are company, but.... Oh well. I shall not complain. I don't like to complain. (like real~ *whispers*) Anyway, if noodle, deb or ellie read this, just read it and forget about it ok? Heh.. It's nothing serious actually, I just want to procastinate for a bit, (exams stress exams stress) or am I hooking your curiousity this way? Oops. >_<" The story can be summarized into 5 words, "Civil War around Lady Microwave", or just simply, "microwave". LOL.

Oooh. Good news! Well, actually it's neither good nor bad - just neutral. I sent an email to MOE to enquire about conducting psychological testing in Sg, and someone from the office actually email me back today, with the relevant details. Just within two days! Toots! It's been ages since someone around works so efficiently (Of course, with the exception of my Supervisor, she's a dear), so it's a VERY nice change for a while. Anyway, the prospect of doing my testing in Sg makes me very excited!! Cheryl can prove it, the poor girl has to deal with a crazy-for-a-while Me for the afternoon. Sorry yar, and Thank you! Hoho. Well, I just playing with the idea, but while I really want to come back to do it, I'm still hestitating about the idea. Of course, if I can find a school here (I'd been rejected by 3 schools already, BOo~), that's the best! But if not, I will be VERY, EXTREMELY happy to go back to do my stuffs. However, there's some considerations, like confounds or cultural related issues to consider if I do my study in Sg.

Heh, after talking about the plan like it's confirmed, actually the reply mail is just to give me the information on the necessary procedures, it doesn't even confirm or promise that my project will be approved or I'll get participants, but just knowing better what the procedures are got me all fired up! Hoho! Still, that does not mean I can relax about approaching schools here. I must be motivated! moootiiivaaated! BUGGGG THEEEEEMM! Lol.

Alright, I'm gonna post this entry before my batt goes out! So goodnight people! Muakz. ^^

at 1:28 AM


Monday, May 21, 2007






at 9:22 PM

previous entries. November 2004.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

was just reading my old entries.
november 2004 was the lucky month to get clicked on.
hoho.. there was not many entries, but judging fom the content of posts, it seems to be one of the months where my writer's block was absent, and creativity was around. yay-hey!
and it was a happy month too!
exams were over. flatmates were packing to go home.
and a time to say goodbye to juliet. my lovely dearest flatmate from then.
i think no one could replace her.
though we were sad, the farewell was not teary.
ah.. writing this really brought back the fond memories.
ah.. this mood is really suitable for autumn. -laugh-

alright. i shall read a month's posts once per week.
memories are just too previous to be forgotten.
well.. except for those cockroaches' and spiders' ones. rarh!

at 11:53 PM

blogging 4:30 at 11.15pm

4:30 by Royston Tan was good, though the ending was a little disappointing. I was not really expecting a happy ending, but somehow, I felt more could be developed. Something seems.. missing. Hmm...

The beginning and the ending was slow, it's the middle that was truly enjoyable. Something just tugged at your heart at the little boy's silent scream for attention from rest of the world and which led to his infactuation with his Korean tenant. Nothing gay-ish though, don't get the wrong idea :)

Anyway, something not really related to the movie. I wonder it is because I'm studying Psy, that I found myself analyzing the little boy's behaviour, especially the painting which he drawn of his dream - just pitch black and his retort to his (i'm assuming is) art teacher "I don't have dreams." Hehe.. Think too much ne? But this is just like our case study assignment, but instead of descriptive, it is live action, closer to the reality.

Right, before I ran away with my thoughts. Here something on a brighter side. Heh, my cute niece, Bingbing, was mentioned in the conversation with Noodle and Cheryl, so I decided to dig something of hers and stick it here! Hola`

I must specify! The picture came WITHOUT the head! Lol.
By the way, the headless person is my brother and the lady in the background is her Mum, picking up the toys that the kids played.

at 11:14 PM


Wednesday, May 09, 2007

哎哟~ 家里那俩老加起来都有百多岁了

还学小孩子一样闹别扭… 羞羞喔……


嘿…… 这让我想起





不知不觉间… 自己也长大了……



大人不一定是百科全书 (我不知道的事可多了 虽然我也算是半个大人了…吧?)

大人不一定有大人的模样 (嗯……眼前就有那么一个)

最后, 大人不一定是完美的


小时候认为的父母或是喜欢的大人 一定是世上最好的人的


会慢慢地发现…… 啊…… 其实…




总露出大脚指头对世界says "Hello~!"

at 9:33 PM

Noodle's Blog~

Was talking to Noodle over MSN about blogs.

I remember we started off talking about work, but somehow along the way, the conversation went on to blog layouts and finally, I promised Noodle I will make her next blog skin. Hee. I can't remember what we had said, but.. I now have the finished image in my mind. And yup, it involved every goldfishes in the club.

So what say Goldfishes?? Shall we make this our first no.. second eyy.. no. third hmmm... Aiya, this goldfish can't remember. Short memory you know. Anyway, shall we have our ((fill in the blank)) official photo shooting session soon? Hee.. We will make pretty pretty, nice nice poses on Noodle's blog. We will be her lucky goldfishes. Heheh.. Laming! I need sleep. Soon! Lol.

So.. fishes, put a little note somewhere okay? : ) Ode to the Noodle!!

at 3:05 AM

Yaya in Perth. Day 02.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007


I received a call from Anata's today! ^o^

Ureshii yo~~~~~

Though I'm probably should be the one making the first call.

Gomen ne. I know.. I'm lazy....

But the call was really a pleasant surprise ne!

Even though when the phone started singing..

and it was some unknown number flashing on the screen.

Somehow I got this feeling it's her.

Yappari! When I answer the call...

It's really HER!!!!

Anata bought a prepaid card for my sake! *Touched*

Arigatou Anata~~~~~~

And boy am I glad she bought Optus!! (n_____n)

That's make it even better. I can call her as and when, and vice versa!

But best of all, I'm meeting her on Friday! YAY!

And, I'll be staying overnight! DOUBLE YAY!!

Then we will be catching up with our lives and hehe, our videos!!! YAY YAY YAY!!!

Hontou ni Tanoshimi ne!

at 10:36 PM


Sunday, May 06, 2007

YESH! 太好了!

明天雅雅将会来到Perth了! (=珀斯?)(笑)

真令人期待呀~~ 呀~呀~~ *兴奋*

at 9:51 PM


Saturday, May 05, 2007

第一次来到Flat 14就把大家的心给偷走了的Rusty~~~


另外, 我有没有说过住在上头的那个ladybird很可爱啊?

at 9:41 PM


Friday, May 04, 2007







现在回想当时 真的想太多了。


虽然偶尔会有喘不过气的时候 不过大多数还是落得轻松

有读故事书的时间… 看dramas 看X-Man的时间…

嗯…… 这到底是好事还是坏?




at 10:31 PM