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Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Even takoballs deserve to dream~~~

Cute deshoo? It took me exactly 1.5 hours. LOL. *huggies*

at 9:42 PM

Study Camp

Monday, July 30, 2007

啊…… 6个星期的冬假就那么过了……
扪心自问 这个假期 我有很大的收获吗?

果然是…… 太轻松了。

是非常非常勤劳的学生! :)

说不感动 更本是骗人的。

不过只有最近 (当我的education快要到了尽头的时候)
我才察觉…… 啊~ 学习可以是很愉快的经验

如果不好好去体会现在每一段的经历 就太对不起自己了……
等七老八十的时候 再想道~ “想当初…… 如果……”的话
现在就要好好的去enjoy 每一刻每一秒吧!
而且最重要的是 不要让自己未来会有后悔的机会!!



at 12:06 PM

Music and Lyrics

Thursday, July 26, 2007

starring Hugh Grand and Drew Barrymore
- a delightful and light film! :)
- and I guess the following phrase (from the film) below summarize the whole story nicely. Well said!


A melody is like seeing someone for the first time.
The physical attraction.

But then, as you get to know the person, that’s the lyrics
Their story. Who they are underneath.

It’s the combination of the two that makes the magic.

at 4:53 PM

My First Fan Letter

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

the very first that got written and posted, despite of having so many similar urges to do so in the last seven years or so, so of course must be noted down and be remembered. :)

And, Mr. Jaejoong has the honour of it. Well, if this does get delivered, the next "guest-of-honour" can be "YoonJae"/"JaeHo" perhaps? ^^


at 3:05 AM

oh ho! O_o

After Noodle dropped me off at SV, I walked toward my flat, thinking of a nice, hot shower. It was raining then too~ Then when I opened my flat door and walked in, I came face to face with this naked guy, who only had a towel around his waist, walking around the corridor... O_o

*Gasp* Who is this STRANGE man in my flat?!?! Mind you, it was around midnight then. I think I just blanked out for a couple of seconds, staring at him.

Then I figured it's probably the new flatmate (and I'm right!), but I was not very interested to introduce myself then. Hrmph, weird timing.. -_- We will leave it at a "Hi." for now, proper introductions could wait until tomorrow.. If I do see them that is.

at 1:15 AM

The Dictionary

Monday, July 23, 2007

*since I was bored and its my blog~~ (Hey, they rhyme!) Everyone should have their own dictionary! :)

THE DICTIONARY (version. SuLi)
-everything that is related to me! :D (as of July.2007)

[A]pples. The beginning of naming, but also a fruit that I don't really like! -_- No thanks to the worm that appeared in MY apple from years years ago~

[B]anana Song- sang by Eric, accompanied by Hyesung. A video clip that I can’t stop watching! :)

[C]hai. The best family name in the whole wide world! *winkz* And [C] also stands for my favourite animal as well!

[D]ad. “Not the best, but a good father,” as quoted from my Mum. Technically, her exact words were “not the very best, but a good husband.” *smile* I do agree with her. Well, I’m not the best daughter in the world too, but I’m working toward it. Be healthy and live long long healthily okay, Dad? :)


irst Class Honours?! It’s an aim that I’m working on for my final year. Unfortunately, I realized on the day when I got my 1st semester results back, my first class honours had already flown away. Well, it’s still there in sight, but just out of reach. And despite not being very happy about it, on an afterthought thought, I think I did deserve this particular conclusion. Looking back, I haven’t been too serious about my work last semester and seriously, even as I’m typing away right now, I have yet to put ALL of my effort and concentration into my work so far. So if I’m going to sit and cry that I still want my First Class Honours, I better start working my ass off for it, starting right from this moment. There isn’t that many wake-up calls in this world you know. FIGHTING!

earing loss. A little problem that I had since young, it does has its advantages – especially to irritate the teachers that I don’t like. Hey! I do come with a “cert”, so there’s nothing they could do about it except to repeat themselves, again and again. LOL. While it does bring some inconveniences, but I shall not go into that. :)

[I] Simply “I”, aka Me. Three years plus in Perth, and by myself, I find that I’m becoming more and more self-centred! Is it for the better? Or for the worse? I don’t know. I guess I will find out when I’m back into people society in Singapore again.

[J]apan, Japanese people, Japanese language and everything about Japan. Ichiban! J It’s still my dream to perfect the language one day and one day, to be able to fulfill my teenage dreams of attending a JE concert! I want to go to Kinki Kids or Kanjani8 concerts!

[K]inki Kids. The first Japanese boyband that I’m infatuated with and from there, it opened a door to a whole new world~

[L]ipJun. My not-so-little brother who won't talk more than a "Hello" to me on the phone. Starting school in a week time, and perhaps finally his first attempt at romance/dating as well?

[M]um. My no.1 favourite person in the whole wide world! and my best friend as well. Well.. there are times when we get on each other nerves, but hey, isn’t it the usual for everyone? Heh.


f course! Anyone who watched the X-Man will know what I am talking about. LOL. The highlight of the whole variety show, sometimes the verbal insults exchanges between guests just crack me up, but I do wonder how much of it is scripted and how much actually came from the heads of the guests themselves!

[P]ig. Wait, don’t jump to conclusion first, finish the rest of the paragraph. Born in the year of Pig as well! The reason for this? I’m born 2 weeks before the Chinese New Year, so I can be considered as a year-end Pig as well. ^^


[R]at. Born in the year of Rat. Straight-forward isn’t it?

[S]uLi – The name that has accompanied me since birth and will still be for the rest of my life! This is actually one of the girls’ names that my maternal grandfather wrote for his grandchildren. Boy am I glad that my parents didn’t choose any of the others now. I can’t imagine myself being as a Su An or Su Min


[V]ending Machine. There's one near Flat 14 where I always get my Vanilla Coke from. But... most of the times, that metal fellow would either eat my drink or eat my change most of the time. Grrr..


-Man! Ooh.. This one is easy! :) I must specify, it’s the Korean variety show (not the animated cartoon!) I got hooked on this variety show last Semester, let me see, it was first introduced to me by my cousin – the H.O.T COMEBACK special episodes. Wait.. hang on. Correction. I think I found it in Katherine’s hard drive while exploring what dramas she has and from then, I’m hooked! The X-Man episodes have been my faithful entertainment companion since then. Hee~ MC Yoo, Kang Ho Dong, Park Kyung Lim, Park Myung Soo etc etc… ah, they made the programme much much more interesting to watch, especially MC Yoo!!! He’s the best host! *cheers* Oh, last but not least, I have to boast about my X-Man achievements!! I’d been spreading the X-Man love to Cheryl, Ellie, Noodle, Debbie, Corinna, Joshua and Monica! Who wants to be next?! *rubs hand in anticipation* :)

[Y]oonJae! My favourite couple of DBSK. Do they really have a thing going on? *wiggles eyebrow* Whether it's true or not, they do look GOOD together!! :3

[Z]zzz. An activity no one will dislike. :)

**status: 18/26 (to be continued..)

at 11:57 PM


Saturday, July 21, 2007

I like the beginning lyrics of DBSK - Begin *^^*

ねえ 无理はしないで

涙涸れたら 笑颜はひらく


当眼泪干涸的时候 笑容便会展开
你看 已经在笑了
不要输给那晃眼的光 想要获得勇气

at 3:19 AM

Goldfish Theme Song

Friday, July 20, 2007

I was bored and an inspiration!

Original singer: Kim Jong Kook
Original song: Loveable (Vol.4 - Track 6)
New Lyrics: ME

Listen to the song, CLICK! You can sing along with it! :D


喔~ 我们都是一帮精灵又可爱的人~
喔~ 我们也是一帮天真又古怪的人~
因为我们都 太可爱~

她是严格的goldfish lee
还有一段风光时代 对吧

她是金鱼walking post-it

近期手上绝离不开海带orh luak

喔~ 你们都是一帮精灵又装可爱的人~
喔~ 我们也都是一群天真又有怪僻的人~

喔~ 我们都是一帮超活泼又热忱的人~
喔~ 我们也是一群热爱生命热闹的人~
这样的我们 迷人吧

熟悉liao 没有形象 我们都知道

喔~ 我们就是那帮惊动这全世界的人~
喔~ 我们是不是还忘记了还有一个人~
当上president 不是没有道理

喔~ 她的个性迷迷又糊糊真叫人担心~
喔~ 她最爱的咖啡可以喝上三天三夜~
可爱的我们 Goldfish song

喔~ Na na na na na na~
喔~ Na na na na na na~
只想对你说 sarang hae



at 7:32 PM

2007 Project!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Location: Noodle's House
Background music: Kim Jong Kook - Pacing in Place

It is decided! :) To celebrate our friendship here in Perth, we shall have a theme song for ourselves! 我们的主题曲! Alright, I know I should be doing work now, but I can't just resisting playing with lyrics! Hey, it's for a greater purpose okay!? No prize for guessing what song our theme song is. *points upwards* Heheh..

(con't 3.00am) Ah, I got the outline of the whole song just now, but after coming home and shower, everything is just washed out of my head!!!! -_- oh well..maybe another day when I'm in the mood then.. Rarh!

p.s: 1 more memory to add to the *dedicated to Noodle* post below. Noodle refuse to let me play Kim Jong Kook's song on my laptop!!!! Why?!?!?! Do you look down on my handsome laptop?! Hrmph

at 9:44 PM

n to the oodle !

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Noodle commented and so I shall:

1. Tell you why I friended you.
You were one of the first few people that I met in Perth, in my Psychology course, but the most important thing is, we clicked! :D

2. Associate you with something - fandom, a song, a colour, a photo, etc.
1) Choo-chee-yaaa-na! 2) Want to go jogging? 3)the gu-niang pose

3. Tell you something I like about you.
Your coolness! How to say.. like when you do stuffs, it’s very 干净利落. I don’t have this in me. -_-

4. Tell you a memory I have of you.
Time: Year 1, during groceries shopping
Location: Kardi Coles, in front of can food section, specifically the baked beans section
Action: You were squatting in front of the baked bean sections, looking very seriously at two cans of different brands (erm, maybe it’s same brand but different flavours of baked beans) and appeared to be thinking very seriously about something about them. You were there in that position for a loooong time, I had already walked the next few aisles and back.

5. Associate you with a character/pairing.
Hmmm…Kon from Bleach. Don’t ask me whyyy!!! Well, maybe it’s because your meropet is named after him/it!?..

6. Ask something I've always wanted to know about you.
Why do you like RED so much?

7. Tell you my favorite user pic of yours.
(chorused Dub) WHERE?!!!

8. In return, you must post this in your BLOG.
Yesh, Noodle, do that! :D I will comment after that! Haha..

at 10:15 PM

shared activity

Taken from Dubbie who took it from.. (and the list goes on)

Comment and I shall:

1. Tell you why I friended you.
2. Associate you with something - fandom, a song, a colour, a photo, etc.
3. Tell you something I like about you.
4. Tell you a memory I have of you.
5. Associate you with a character/pairing.
6. Ask something I've always wanted to know about you.
7. Tell you my favorite user pic of yours.
8. In return, you must post this in your BLOG.

at 2:06 AM

the 40 qns

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

from Dubbie
40 secrets about yourself. be honest no matter what.

[one] what is your natural hair color?
[honestly] black

[two] where is your default picture on myspace taken?
[honestly] must it be myspace?

[three] what's your middle name?
[honestly] do I have one? Yes I do. Here, my middle name is Li. Urgh, I wish they will stop separating my nice name. It’s already nice and simple enough.

[four] your current relationship status?
[honestly] attached to myself

[five] does your crush like you back?
[honestly] nope

[six] what is your current mood?
[honestly] physically and mentally exhausted

[seven] what colour underwear are you wearing?
[honestly] can’t remember and I’m too lazy to check

[eight] what makes you happy?
[honestly] hmm.. any little random things I guess. Top of the list, going home!

[ten] if you could go back in time and change something, what you would change?
[honestly] I would like to change a person: my basketball coach (Grr..)

[eleven] if you must be an animal for one day, what would you be?
[honestly] sloth. Lazy and slow

[twelve] ever had a near death experience?
[honestly] nope

[thirteen] something you do a lot?
[honestly] laugh to myself / amusing myself

[fourteen] the song stuck in your head?
[honestly] just this period? DBSK – Hiyayah

[fifteen] who did you copy and paste this from?

[sixteen] name someone with the same birthday as you?
[honestly] my dad and best friend

[seventeen] when was the last time you cried?
[honestly] yesterday

[eighteen] have you ever sung in front of a large audience?
[honestly] nope, in a large space yes.

[nineteen] if you could have one super power what would it be?
[honestly] teleporting ability. It’s gonna be really handy here.

[twenty] what's the first thing you notice about the preferred sex?
[honestly] hmm.. the height?

[twenty-one] what do you usually order from starbucks?
[honestly] mocha frappucino

[twenty-two] what's your biggest secret?
[honestly] I have secret personalities?

[twenty-three] favorite colors?
[honestly] sky blue, violet annnd yellow

[twenty-five] do you still watch kiddy movies or tv shows?
[honestly] definitely. X-MAN~~~~ *heart heart*

[twenty-six] what are you eating or drinking at the moment?
[honestly] my yuan yang tea

[twenty-seven] you speak any other language?
[honestly] English, Mandarin, does broken japanese and other languages food names count?

[twenty-eight] what's your favorite smell?
[honestly] coffee

[twenty-nine] if you could describe your life in one word what would it be?
[honestly] GOOD, in capital letters.

[thirty] when was the last time you gave/received a hug?
[honestly] today. a mental one.

[thirty-one] have you ever kissed in the rain?
[honestly] eyy... nope

[thirty-two] what are you thinking about right now?
[honestly] why am I doing this when my brain just want to sleep? + Oh, I forgot to play my music

[thirty-three] what should you be doing?
[honestly] sleeping.

[thirty-four] what was the last thing that made you upset/angry?
[honestly] eyy… the silent readers comment.

[thirty-five] how often do you pray?
[honestly] not very.

[thirty-six] do you like working in the yard?
[honestly] somewhat. plucking weeds are okay, sawing mango tree branches are not.

[thirty-seven] if you could have any last name in the world, what would you want?
[honestly] a sirname that consist 2 words, not ouyang though. but then again, I like mine.

[thirty-eight] do you act differently around your crush?
[honestly] hmm.. maybe?

[thirty-nine] name one song that reminds you of an ex?
[honestly] that’s no ex-boyfriend, but in the case of an ex-crush, the song that I wrote for him I guess.

[forty] who was the last person to make you cry?
[honestly] mr. homesickness


Now I'm off to read some more fanfics! I have all the excuses NOT to do work today

at 9:31 PM

day report of little perks of happiness

LOTS of little happiness add up to give the heart a warm fuzzy feeling :)

#1 QUOTE OF THE DAY: “Ooh I like the seats here, I can see very well from herel!”
```overheard from two old grannies sitting behind me on the bus

#2 "All the best with the little ones"
Receiving a good luck messenge from my Mum in the morning

#3 My brother passed his driving test yesterday!
``` Let's all cheer for the new chauffeur of the family~ ^^

#4 SOS! I'm LOST!
Thank you Dubdub for saving me! Gomen ne, woke you up from your cozy bed.

#5 What’s better than ending a day of tired testing with the last girl telling me, "“I hope you will succeed in your project and all the best with it!”
``` Awww~~~ She's SOO SWEET! *squeals* I wish I could just give this sweet little girl a bear hug there and then without scaring her off. I was extremely touched when I heard that. Her little face was full of serious earnestness. *HUGS*


8 hours straight of testing is not a joke, especially with the little ones. I need to read, I need to refocus their attention every now and then, I need to tell jokes and from time to time I need to snort like a pig. LOL. Tell me about confound variables huh. LOL.

But despite all the extra energy given into entertaining them instead of spending it on the proper testing procedures, it was still, great tiring fun. (Perhaps it's my inner CHILD who woke up to play with them)

I have a little girl who is full of curiousness, who can't stop asking me questions, from how old am I, to why are there little pieces of paper sticking on the back of my story cards; whose attention only lasted for 15 minutes - you could see her eyes wandering, laying her head on the table, playing with "Teddy" my dog-shaped book holder who is the guest star for the day or asking me to tell jokes with her.

Joke #1

She: Knock knock
Me: Who's there?
She: Boo
Me: Boo who?
She: It's only a joke, please don't cry~~~~ *burst in laughter*

Me: Hahhahaha... *burst out in fake laughter* ^_^;; It's donkey years ago since I last heard that. But then, didn't it show even that even jokes like this are international?!?! LOL.

Joke #2
She: Why do chickens cross the road?
Me: Why?
She: Because they want to go to the bathhouse! *burst out in laughter again*

Heh, I don't get this one though.. Anyone knows what's so funny about this? ^^; Heheh, luckily I remember a joke something like this, so for my turn...

Joke #3
Me: Why can't the chickens cross the road?
She: Why?
Me: Because it's Zebra crossing!!!!

Both of us: Wahahahhahha~~~ *twinkle eyed*

Oh, and this little girl can't not do something with her hands, she INSISTED on drawing lines with the glittering pen I let her use before on my story cards. -_-;; Luckily they are covered in plastic, so I can rub the marks away...

Hehe, the most important thing was:- this little energetic girl, was my VERY FIRST participant. For a moment, as she got more and more distracted, I was getting worried that what if all the little ones were like her?!! I think I will run out of energy after just testing 3 of them.

Fortunately, or maybe unfortunately, the rest isn't like her at all. They are nice little girls, quiet (shhh) and shy (shhh), who stared at me seldom-faced, only smiling once in a while. Testing went really smoothly with them, quick and effortless. Oh, one of the quiet ones is the twin sister of the energetic one above. That's so cute isn't it? While talking to the person in charge, apparently, the loud one took after the father, the quiet one took after the mother. Hehe..I really want to see the family together! It must be a really interesting sight.

Then, I have to mention the only little boy I have for today. Unfortunately, I could never get his attention back to me and the games after the first 5 minutes. Even my snorting didn't work. ^^; He was more interested in the mirror behind me (hmm, perhaps I should shift him then), either admiring himself, or making funny faces at it; and admiring his GREEN fingers. I wonder what he was playing with before then. Hehehe.. Anyway, I gave up after awhile and let him go away, back to his game. He was still a very cuuute kid! Oh did I mention? He's the little brother of the twin sisters. Heheh.. Took after the father! I can recognize the family patterns by now. :)

All in all, i'm tired but content.
Okaay, I lied. Honestly, I'm too tired to feel any other emotions now, but! I will leave the contentment part either in my dreams tonight or tomorrow! :)

at 7:56 PM

new record

Look at the time!

I haven't woken up at this time for a loong time. ^_^
I should take advantage of the change today and make 7+ am my daily waking time for now on. Adventurous or Ambitous? LOL.

Out of the house I'll go soon. FIGHTING!

at 7:45 AM

i survived the winter break!

Monday, July 16, 2007

I just realized.. next week is already the last week of winter break. I survived the winter break here! ^_^ Woot!

But suddenly.. I'm homesick. I miss my mum, I miss my dad, I miss my brother and I miss my tortoise. I miss my friends. I miss my second family and I want to see my godson! *sniffles*



Oh well.. Just half more year in Perth, and I'll be officially home for good!


p.s: Ooops, I just realized the card for Fye is still with me! *sweats* Ruirui, if you are ever reading this.. I promise I will reply your email soon! (sorry! *whispered* and double promise I will send out the card on Wed! 2 more days to Fye's 1st month! :) *HUGS*

at 11:43 PM

the shivers before tomorrow

-actually I wanted to title this "the nightmare before testing" after the cartoon "the nightmare before christmas" (I want to watch that! But the library copy just won't play in my laptop) but then again, despite all the worries and nervousness for tomorrow, why should I give it a negative connotation?!

Anyway, just done a trial run with Joshua. Thank you Joshua, for the practice and advice ^^ But! If there's gonna be a outlier with my adults sample... For sure it's going to be you! LOL.

Phoo, more or less, the test trial went quite okaaaay, not really satisfied with it but will do for now. The only worry is that the test took much longer than what I have expected and definitely overshot what Helen had expected. Should I make the first part a group administered test instead? Gee. Noodle, after this trial run.. I can tell you for sure, never never carry out your trial run the night before. -_-;

Anyway, just 1 testing is quite mentally exhausting, and I'll be conducting 8 testings at one go. Good luck to me man! For sure, I need plenty of water!!! *erhem erhem* Hopefully my voice will still be around after tomorrow! :)

Alright, I should look forward to tomorrow in anticipation! :)

Ready or not, here I come girls~~~


at 11:24 PM

Only Time Knows

Sunday, July 15, 2007

excerpt from [ Only Time Knows - Chapter II ]


As I approached the building, I could see Nori staring out of the window as usual.

What was she thinking of…? as she watched the skies..

Was she thinking of her high school sweetheart again?

After all this while, did I…

have a place in her heart..?

It’s a question I dared not asked yet, for fear for risking our fragile relationship.

Yet, every time I saw her spacing out, there was this great urge within me to stop her train of thoughts, where ever it was heading to, and pulled her focus back to me alone.

I want to be only one that she sees and think of.

Sneaking up,

“Nori! I will come and pick you up after this period ok?”

I whispered loudly into her ear.

“Yoko-kun!” Her finger came to push my forehead again, the familiar disproving look appearing on her face.

“Ouch~ You wicked girl!” I grumbled, rubbing the spot on my forehead.

This girl, when would she be ever gentle with me?

I am too made of glass - fragile and easily breakable.

“What’s up?” She asked.

I could see the puzzlement of my sudden appearance written on her face.

“Didn’t you hear me? I said, ‘I will come and pick you up after this period.’ Yappari, not only you are wicked, you are old and deaf too.” I teased.

I knew, by saying this, she would get agitated.


Right on cue, a frown appeared on her face while she waved her fist warningly in front of my face. Yet, her eyes was twinkling..

This was one of reasons why I fell in love with her.

I could almost see the universe in her eyes.


What would you do… if you learn…

That I’m the one to stage the robbery

that night…

so that,

I could…… appear…

as a hero

in your eyes.


to give me a excuse,

to stay by your side……

If you know..

Would.. all of my efforts come to nought…?

It was something I dare not risked.

Stopping my excess thoughts, I flashed her a grin,

“Ok ok.. I see you later then~!”

I waved, retreating from the side of her window.

To head toward the spot where I usually waited for her,

For her..

to come to me.

at 9:17 PM


Saturday, July 14, 2007


The guy who is sitting across me at the computers, is PICKING at his teeth right now. Left hand, Right hand. Dig dig rub rub. Yucks!

Not that I want to pay attention to his actions, but I just can't avoid seeing them from the corner of my eye! -_-

at 4:21 PM




唉…… 或许有draft不是件很好的事。


at 4:24 AM


Thursday, July 12, 2007



at 12:01 AM

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Sent an e:mail to Noodle in the morning and got her reply not too long later. Then, I forgot about checking for futher replies. The next time I checked my e:mail was at her place at night. Seemed that I missed out something interesting! LOL. Actually, perhaps not. Apparently Noodle did send me a reply replies, one at 14:22 and another at 17:00. Hehe.. Something interesting caught my eye when I'm reading both her e:mails together! ^^

The change in mood amuses me for some reason! LOL.

Anyway, Noodle bought "Mastermind" today, so we were playing with it just now. Well.. In the last game, while I was the "mind" and Noodle is the "master", apparently, Noodle got too absorbed in Hana Kimi e, that she gave me the wrong clues! >_<" No wonder I couldn't figure out what the colours that she set! *stares at somebody* Wait till I get the evidence from her, then I can post it up! Hoho!

p.s: Hey! I can't insert a title for this post! >:

at 5:08 AM


Friday, July 06, 2007











在中!哈哈哈哈…… (笑翻了)









♡♡ 从今以后就是夫妻了。 ♡♡




后记: blog这个的原因很简单,我无聊呀~ ^^

at 3:05 PM


<3 英雄在中 —《步伐》





特别是呐喊的那一部分 单单两三句
怎么能让人那么痛心 那么心碎

听得陶醉 看着他演唱时更是失魂落魄

*眨眨眼* *含情脉脉*


有兴趣的可以在这里听一听 :)


这是…… 在安静的深夜里 很容易让人动心的一首歌。

关着灯 躺在床上 静静聆听
英雄在中浓厚的歌声 在你的耳边回响
一次又一次地 陪着他
听着他 一次又一次地对一个女人 唱着他的后悔

也很适合放进我的therapy playlist中 :)

我去关灯了…… :)

at 1:21 AM


Tuesday, July 03, 2007



これからも一緒に頑張りましょうよ!(・ 3・)

at 5:10 PM


Oh great. I think I just killed my THIRD heater this semester. -_- Waaay to go~

at 3:57 AM

random thoughts

Alright, I have to confess, I have been on a fanfics reading spree these few days and not behaving as a good girl like I should, in writing my thesis. 60 words yesterday and 70 words today don't make a convincing protrayal of a hardworking girl locked up in her room doing her work isn't it? *sheepish grin*

Anyway, just want to get something off my chest. What's up with the new generation of writers nowadays, with their "I hate silent readers", "no silent readers" remarks at the top of their first posts?!

Do YOU write for your love for writing, write as an outlet for your idols fantasies OR do YOU write for the number of replies and hits to your stories?!!! *totally pissed*

Of course, any writer would love to receive replies from readers, I do too, especially when they're compliments about your stories, but to read and NOT reply does not make it a crime! If people feel like replying, they will reply. Urgh~ Seeing one remark like that is okaaaaay, but seeing a whole bunch of those similar commands irritate the hell outta me!!! (pardon for the language)


at 3:40 AM